Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When Jealousy Entered Paradise

Here is the second in my biblical series. I had fun doing this one too, but it was bigger 20 x 24. Disobedience to good really unleashed a whole can of bad worms, huh? Kind of like the Greek's Pandora's Box. I'm listening to Ekert Tolle's New Earth book. He says sin means straying from the path, or something like that, veering off course. Of course, it's the ego that must always satisfy itself, and what damage it does.

Friday, May 16, 2008

G.Dub's web

Also, on a political note. I did a piece for La Bussola's latest group show "Animal Farm". My piece had one of the small boxes I did at St. Mary's in the Mountains last summer with Candace Nicols. On the box I put a web with toy soldiers all caught up. Soldiers are glued across the top as well. And, of course, there's a spider, painted gold with an American flag emerging from it's back. I didn't realize until now I hadn't taken a photo. May try to get down to the shop and take one this weekend. I won't get it back as all proceeds go to the SPCA and I donated it for their auction. I realize it is a little political probably for that venue, but it's what I wanted to do.

Jonah trying to escape his fate

Christianity swirled through my adolescence. As a teenager I embraced it, read the Bible frequently...all the way through more than once. Didn't understand much of it. Got married, largely because of it. Got divorced eleven years later in spite of it, and began to question it...and be angry about it...and the way women are treated and portrayed. Started studying religion in general, which made more sense to me. "One God, world without end." I'm missing the stories. I started reading it again. It still doesn't make much sense...much of it...but I still like the stories...the horrifying, badder than Grimes Fairy Tale Stories. This is the first in a series I'm going to do about those stories. I have twelve planned. The number is intentional.

Red Lips

The last of the three portraits from this series of my daughter. I want to do a series each year and see how long I can keep it going to mark changes ect. She's in a band now...very new, called Panoramic. They are writing all their own songs. She's the drummer.