Monday, December 29, 2008

Raven Woman

She's about a foot tall and made from self-hardening clay.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Wailing Wall

This is #48. I have eight days to do two more pieces to hit my goal of 50. I actually have two very large paintings about half done, so I can't count them...and 2 large collages started, but know I won't finish in time. It's got to be something quick...and easy. Does a large chocolate chip cookie Christmas tree count?

Owl Necklace

Bought all the pieces...just liked them and put them together.

Flower Face Necklace

Another necklace with a bead from Taylorsville.

Ceramic Seagull Necklace

I bought the ceramic seagull bead years ago for less than a dollar at a rummage sale. I hung it as the clanger for a windchime and when the windchime broke surprisingly the bead did not. Now, it's a necklace.

Celtic Cross Necklace

I got the cross bead at the Solar Cook-off in Taylorsville this summer. I like to think I'm Celtic, but in truth I'm 1/2 Norwegian, a smattering of French, a bit of Irish, and a bit of English.

Biliken Necklace

I got the biliken years ago and the beads a couple days ago.

Job Swimming in His Sea of Troubles