Monday, December 29, 2008

Raven Woman

She's about a foot tall and made from self-hardening clay.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Wailing Wall

This is #48. I have eight days to do two more pieces to hit my goal of 50. I actually have two very large paintings about half done, so I can't count them...and 2 large collages started, but know I won't finish in time. It's got to be something quick...and easy. Does a large chocolate chip cookie Christmas tree count?

Owl Necklace

Bought all the pieces...just liked them and put them together.

Flower Face Necklace

Another necklace with a bead from Taylorsville.

Ceramic Seagull Necklace

I bought the ceramic seagull bead years ago for less than a dollar at a rummage sale. I hung it as the clanger for a windchime and when the windchime broke surprisingly the bead did not. Now, it's a necklace.

Celtic Cross Necklace

I got the cross bead at the Solar Cook-off in Taylorsville this summer. I like to think I'm Celtic, but in truth I'm 1/2 Norwegian, a smattering of French, a bit of Irish, and a bit of English.

Biliken Necklace

I got the biliken years ago and the beads a couple days ago.

Job Swimming in His Sea of Troubles

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blue Hand

Made from no-bake clay. Painted with acrylic paint. Aboriginal design.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cool site

Here's #40

This is a neat assignment where you use student grade watercolor paper and crayola crayons to make a painting that has a very realistic batik look without all the mess.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

December #4

Getting the goal.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wild Nights

This is the last of my plaster hearts, at least from that mold. It has a poem I just discovered by Emily Dickinson printed on it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cat's Meow

I got the cat beads in Taylorsville, Ca at the Solar Cook off. I think they are ivory or bone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Walking Through the Valley with the Shadow of Death

Here's what the real painting turned out like. I ended up working off a very bad photo I took last week at the opening of Art Town of the 4th Street Marching Band. Death was just a guy on stilts, and the guy in the left corner an observer. Even though it was nothing like I had originally thought about, it ended up being closer to what was really going on inside my head about death and how life is a valley always overshadowed by death, and that's not always morbid, but can, at times, be extremely comforting.

Value Study for Walking Through the Valley

This is the value study I did for Walking Through the Valley with the Shadow of Death, which ended up being nothing like it. I used the study to attempt a painting, but the painting just never had the same impact as the drawing so I painted over the first start...something I seem to be doing a lot of these days.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Blood of Life

Here's the third. I think I like it best so far. The kids at school liked it. They wanted to talk about it. I got kind of nervous talking religion, but it's one level of the art, so I did it anyway. Hopefully in an objective this is what I was trying to say tone rather than anything else.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When Jealousy Entered Paradise

Here is the second in my biblical series. I had fun doing this one too, but it was bigger 20 x 24. Disobedience to good really unleashed a whole can of bad worms, huh? Kind of like the Greek's Pandora's Box. I'm listening to Ekert Tolle's New Earth book. He says sin means straying from the path, or something like that, veering off course. Of course, it's the ego that must always satisfy itself, and what damage it does.

Friday, May 16, 2008

G.Dub's web

Also, on a political note. I did a piece for La Bussola's latest group show "Animal Farm". My piece had one of the small boxes I did at St. Mary's in the Mountains last summer with Candace Nicols. On the box I put a web with toy soldiers all caught up. Soldiers are glued across the top as well. And, of course, there's a spider, painted gold with an American flag emerging from it's back. I didn't realize until now I hadn't taken a photo. May try to get down to the shop and take one this weekend. I won't get it back as all proceeds go to the SPCA and I donated it for their auction. I realize it is a little political probably for that venue, but it's what I wanted to do.

Jonah trying to escape his fate

Christianity swirled through my adolescence. As a teenager I embraced it, read the Bible frequently...all the way through more than once. Didn't understand much of it. Got married, largely because of it. Got divorced eleven years later in spite of it, and began to question it...and be angry about it...and the way women are treated and portrayed. Started studying religion in general, which made more sense to me. "One God, world without end." I'm missing the stories. I started reading it again. It still doesn't make much sense...much of it...but I still like the stories...the horrifying, badder than Grimes Fairy Tale Stories. This is the first in a series I'm going to do about those stories. I have twelve planned. The number is intentional.

Red Lips

The last of the three portraits from this series of my daughter. I want to do a series each year and see how long I can keep it going to mark changes ect. She's in a band now...very new, called Panoramic. They are writing all their own songs. She's the drummer.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wild Tiger Lilies

This was a project where we drew with glue, then added colored pencil, melted crayons and anything else we wanted to throw into the project.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Altered Doll

This is my entry for La Bussola's Altered Doll show which opens tomorrow. Stop in and see it. It's on First Street in Reno.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Keeping Time

I started these two clocks about three years ago and then lost interest. Yesterday, I dug them out and finished them for display and sale at La Bussola.


Sunday, March 16, 2008


Another portrait of my daughter. Don't know if she'll appreciate this one, but I used to read them Greek Myths and was always struck by the fact that medusa was supposedly more beautiful than Aphrodite, which is how she came to her plight.

Awards & Money

The Nevada Wide Open show was a great show. It travels from Reno to Yerington and perhaps beyond. I had a wonderful surprise in that my piece was one of the winners and I get a hundred dollars. Nice...think I'll spend it on art.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

2 new necklaces

The horse necklace is another version of one I did earlier. It too was a gift. It was another horse bead I purchased at the Carson Rendevous.

The seashell necklace has green beads I got in Gallup, New Mexico a few years back on springbreak. I got the brass seashell there as well. Kind of ironic to find such a beautiful seabead in the middle of the desert.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nevada Wide Open

My piece made the advertisement! It's the one in the far right corner. If you want to see the real thing the reception is March 14th, Friday at the Sierra Arts Building on Virginia Street. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This is a colored pencil portrait I just finished of my daughter. I did a bunch of loops first and then put the portrait underneath them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Daytime Ballerinas

More ballerinas. Just experimenting with different media.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blue Ballerinas

I did this to teach value...or how you just use one color (lots of hues).

Friday, February 1, 2008

See more

of my art at SIERRA ARTS "Nevada Wide Open IV". The piece I submitted...the first piece on my blog got accepted. To see the piece other than on my blog stop in to the Sierra Arts Blding on Virginia across from the Pioneer theater. It's a group show and supposed to that's a plus.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ballerina Flowers

I love my students. Amanda Tirk gave me the title of this one. I had photographed a beautiful flowering shrub while in Ft. Bragg over Christmas break, but I failed to find out what they were called. Later, setting up the assignment to use four different zones and come up with a drawing (scratchboard, neg/pos shapes, cubes, full value, and pointillism) Okay that's five...anyway. I realized I didn't know the name of the flower. Amanda saw my drawing and said, "Oh, ballerina flowers. I love those."

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

La Bussola





So, I'm getting my very first solo show at a place called La Bussola in downtown Reno. It's off of First Street next to Java Jungle. The show will be up in February, so if you're downtown then check it out. I'm pretty excited. Even though I didn't create the art this year I thought I'd put it here for you to preview.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008

O'Keefe quotes

"To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage."