Thursday, July 10, 2008

Walking Through the Valley with the Shadow of Death

Here's what the real painting turned out like. I ended up working off a very bad photo I took last week at the opening of Art Town of the 4th Street Marching Band. Death was just a guy on stilts, and the guy in the left corner an observer. Even though it was nothing like I had originally thought about, it ended up being closer to what was really going on inside my head about death and how life is a valley always overshadowed by death, and that's not always morbid, but can, at times, be extremely comforting.


LIFE :) said...

Death,,,,U knw your pos reminded me of Robert Frost's a Snowy Evening,,,Well i am a blogger who love speaking of life...and death has to be a mojor phase of life...

bullwinkle said...

Now I'm feeling bad. But I love the painting, especially the shadows. They are, of course, an important part of the art. Still, when I hear about walking through the "Valley", I always remember the military version: "(blah, blah, blah), I fear no evil 'cause I'm the meanest MF in the valley".

bullwinkle said...

Here's another (I really like this image). Death is the shadowy, ghost-like figure on the right, stalking the unfortunate fellow on the left. Whadda ya think?